Monday, August 15, 2011

Warren Buffett for President? Are the Tea Party candidates hoping that if elected, they'll be able to eliminate the Separation of Church & State?!?

Interesting stuff coming up in our next blog, gang. My intention was to have our new blog posted sometime tonight, (Monday, August 15) but because of show business obligations, I won't be able to get the blog posted until tomorrow night, August 16 or Wednesday night, August 17.

Oh, have you ever heard of "Dominionism"? I hadn't. Until today. And now I know of two people who know what "Dominionism" is and they both seem to be fans of it. Hello Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry.

More on this when I write the new blog either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Thanks for your patience.

Scott "The Jammer with the Hammer" St. James.


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