Cardinal Roger Mahony should be in JAIL!!! Cardinal Stan Musial IS in HEAVEN!!! Elderly Assisted Suicide!!! Hillary Clinton!!! More Shootings!!! A Quote From Albert Einstein!!! Is Jennifer Lawrence on her way to becoming our Best Actress?!? Annnd...A new CD from AARON NEVILLE!!!
Hi everybody! I'm beginning this new blog early Thursday afternoon and I think it might be relatively short because of a big time "game changer" that will go into effect tomorrow. No, I will not be going "public" with what that will be. As my friend Don Barrett likes to say, I tend to keep personal things "close to the vest".
And speaking of personal things...Yo, Marilyn! I'm sorry we weren't able to spend some time together last week. Busy, busy, busy!
Okay...WAY to much about ME!!!
Here come our headline stories!!!
(1) Cardinal Roger Mahony should (in my opinion) be in JAIL!!!
I've written about this in previous blogs, but new information that has "come to light" about this guy has my blood boiling.
Retired Cardinal. Catholic Church. Here in the Los Angeles area. A staggering amount of children were sexually abused by priests here. The new information that law enforcement officials have released to the public shows (in essence) documented strategy plans on how to keep this information AWAY from law enforcement officials. In other words, it was better to not give the church a "bad name" instead of turning over these sexual abusing priests to the police.
Who MADE this decision? Cardinal Mahony, with help from (what appears to have been) one or two other church officials.
This had been going on for many (way TOO many) years before things seemed to have slowed down or maybe even stopped. But besides what was done to the children, here's what's especially sickening. Because of the "Statute of Limitations", retired Cardinal Mahony and his helpers CAN'T BE PROSECUTED!!!
Whoa, whoa, WHOAH!!! The view here is that what we're facing is off the charts inexcusable. There should NEVER be a Statute of Limitations for adults of any kind who sexually abuse children.
Yo lawmakers!!! Get off of your lazy rich asses and get to work on passing a law that should have been passed a long time ago.
Whew! And because of what this has done to my blood pressure, I now have to take another Benicar pill.
(2) A Cardinal who now figures to be in Heaven!
Stan Musial died a few days ago. He was 92. Hall of Fame baseball player and a Hall of Fame human being.
When I was in St. Louis during the 70's, I had the pleasure of getting to know the guy who was known as, "Stan the Man". And what a man he was. Anytime I asked him to come on the air with me, he always said "Yes!". When I was there on business six or seven years ago, I called Stan the Man and even though he wasn't feeling well, he came to the phone and apologized because he could speak to me for (only) less than 30-seconds.
None of us knows for sure if there really is a "Heaven", but I do know THIS; If there IS a Heaven, no questions were asked when Stan the Man arrived. St. Peter or whoever else might have been guarding the gate figure to have immediately said (while opening the gate) "Welcome, Stan! We're honored to have you here!" Or something like that.
(3) Elderly Assisted Suicide!
I bring this up because there have been some recent stories about this. Stories resulting in spouses being arrested.
As a rule, when a woman helps her husband die or the husband helps his wife die, the reason for this tends to be about unbearable pain. Pain that WON'T go away. Friends and neighbors tend to know about a problem like this that involves the husband or the wife. They also know that when something like this happens, it's not a case of murder. It's a case of being merciful.
Isn't it long past time for law enforcement people to understand this as well? And isn't it (also) long past time for lawmakers to change whatever law it is that describes this kind of assisted death (suicide) as being something that is against the law?
Just askin'. And hopin'.
(4) Hillary Clinton!
She was asked a lot questions by Congress people yesterday. Some of those questions were antagonistic. I have no way of knowing if Mrs. Clinton plans to be a presidential candidate three years from now, but I do know this; She had a bad head injury a while back, but those Congress people found out she's capable of being as loud as some of them were.
(5) More shootings!
Is anybody going to try to do something about this? Or do we (the majority) think this is something we shouldn't worry about?
Just askin'.
(6) An Albert Einstein quote!!!
This has nothing to do with abuses of children, deaths or a "hard head", but I thought it might be nice to "change gears".
Are you keeping up with all the new technology? Are you enjoying playing with all this "new stuff"?
Thanks to Illinois reader, Dave Acocks, I now know something Albert Einstein said while (possibly) predicting the future.
Einstein said, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."
Hmmm...Something to think about, perhaps?
I'm sure that most of you know who Aaron Neville is, right? This great singer has a new CD that is now available in your favorite music store and or Amazon. The CD is titled, "Aaron Neville, my true story". I had the pleasure of listening to this CD while I was taking a long trip in my car. This CD features a lot of songs that were big hits performed by other singers. But Aaron Neville's approach to these songs is off the charts terrific. I'm tellin' ya gang...If you want some (while your driving) first class entertainment, I highly recommend this new CD by Aaron Neville. Trust me when I tell you that you will, "Pump up the volume!!!"
Other entertainment stuff.....If you have seen the film, "Silver Linings Playbook, you know how good Jennifer Lawrence was in that film. She's been nominated for an Oscar, she's only 22 and am I the only one who is thinking that this very talented actor may one day be the woman who takes Meryl Streep's place as the world's best actress? Just askin'.
And speaking of the Oscars...I think the date is February 24. Have you decided on your favorite choices yet? I might be a little "against the grain" here, but right now, I can't decide which of three films I think should win the "Best Picture" award. Those three films are (alphabetically) "Argo", "Django Unchained" and "Silver Linings Playbook".
Did you see the first episode of the first (ever) evening drama that Kevin Bacon has starred in? There will be 15 episodes every Monday night on Fox. It's called, "The Following". Outstanding cast, violence, things that'll make your head jerk, at the end of the hour you might be exhausted, but you also might want to stand up and applaud. I think the show is THAT good!
Did you see the season ending episode of "Parenthood"? I thought it was terrific, terrific, terrific and I soooo hope that show will be renewed.
Overall, I think this has been a GREAT season for episodic television!!! And thank you ("On Demand") for having been invented!
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know what your email address is. I respond to everyone except people who identify themselves as "Anonymous". Those emails are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforeseen circumstances, next Thursday night, January 31 or very early Friday morning, February 1.
Meanwhile, I hope that all of you have a very pleasant weekend and please don't forget; AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Impeach Obama because he wants new GUN LAWS?!? Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Jody Foster and the GOLDEN GLOBES!!! Lance Armstrong!!! New Natalie Wood EVIDENCE?!? Gas Prices!!! BACKGROUND CHECKS?!?
Hi Gang! Because I had a VERY busy week, this blog figures to be shorter than usual. Hey, I wasn't able to keep track of a lot of stuff.
For those of you who don't know, this blog is written by me in Los Angeles, a city in which I've had the same phone number for more than 33-years. Every once in a while, I spend a little time in a city I refer to as "My Adopted Home". St. Louis. I spent almost ten wonderful years there and I have more friends there than anyplace else. Anyway, I was there for a few days. Took care of a little business and had a great time with long time friends, the people I was doing business with and a guy I hadn't seen in more than 30-years. I've written apology notes to a few people I didn't have time to see, but they will be first on my list the next time I'm there.
Okay...ENOUGH about ME!!!
President Obama wants some new gun laws. The N.R.A., an organization I've supported a long time is taking a "block it" position. On everything Obama proposes. A few politicians who support the N.R.A. in everything they want, are politicians who are demanding impeachment proceedings against Obama. Why? Because of laws he's asking to get passed. Laws like stronger background checks. Some N.R.A. supporting "Truthers" are now "The Newtown Truthers" which means they're saying (in essence) those murders never happened. In other words, these guys and gals are like those long ago "Truthers" who said we never went to the moon. And I won't be surprised if people like Donald Trump join forces with these people. Does everyone know who Glenn Beck is? He's a guy who got big TV ratings for Fox News until he came across as being too crazy. Guess what? Even Glenn Beck thinks these "Truthers" who are supporting the N.R.A are Nuts, Pathetic Idiots, etc. And while we're on this subject....What the heck is wrong with stronger "Background Checks". If stronger "background checks" will keep some people who have criminal records and (documented) serious mental issues from legally purchasing guns, isn't that a GOOD thing?
Just askin'.
In case you hadn't heard, he's been doing some confessing to Oprah.
Are you interested in watching his confession(s)? If your answer is "Yes!", I hope you enjoy the experience. If your answer is "No!", I will also be watching something else.
Oh, those oil budget busters. As in, busting OUR budgets! In case you hadn't noticed, gas prices are going up again. Look....Those oil barons don't give a rat's ass about us. Why on earth we don't whack them with taxes instead of kissing their asses is something I don't understand at all.
Just sayin'.
Oh...I told you this would be shorter than usual because of the other things I was involved with this past week.
The Golden Globes!!! Did you watch that show this past Sunday? The Golden Globes show had a long time reputation as being the "Best Party In Town" for many years and I had the pleasure of attending a few of those shows. I don't know what happened, but for a while, the show wasn't as good (fun) as it used to be. Until this past Sunday. Whoever came up with the idea to hire Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to be the (new) hosts is someone who should be given a huge raise in pay. Their hosting "lit up the room" and that resulted in (almost) everyone who came on stage to be very good. Like Jody Foster. She was on the stage because of a huge award she had been given. She talked for almost 7-minutes. No one but no one is allowed to talk that long at these award shows. In this particular case, the music (which is used as a hint to wrap things up) was never played. The person who made THAT decision is someone who should also be given a huge raise in pay.
I LOVED the show and now I'll be putting in a request for a ticket to see next year's Golden Globes show.
And Here's A More SERIOUS "Entertainment Stuff" Story:
Have you heard about this "new" Natalie Wood "death business"? If you care, you probably know she was a big movie star who (when she drowned) was married to actor Robert Wagner for a second time. Wagner, Wood, actor Christopher Walken and another guy were on a boat. Everyone had been drinking. A lot!! A loud argument came into play. Wood was believed to have tried to somehow get off the boat and figure out a way to (I guess) go home. We've been told this was an accident. Wellll...Some new "tests" were taken and now it's suggested she might have been harmed before she left the boat. And Robert Wagner is supposedly not the only one who's being looked at. So is Christopher Walken. No talk about arresting either one of those guys and if that never happens, I guess we'll go back to this having been an accident again.
As the Moody Blues once famously sang, "Isn't Life Strange?".
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address which means I won't (wouldn't) be able to respond to you. I respond to everyone unless you identify yourself as "Anonymous". Those emails are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforeseen circumstances, late Thursday night, January 24 or very early Friday morning, January 25.
Meanwhile, I hope that all of you have a very pleasant weekend and that you enjoy Martin Luther King's Day on Monday, January 21.
If you're with me, remember....AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oscar Nominations!!! Rush Limbaugh!!! Miss Alabama!!! Elvis!!! Bill Mouzis!!! The "Death" Subject!!! Annnd...Recommended TV Shows!!!
Hi Gang!!! If you're a film fan like I am, you know that Oscar nominations were announced today and yes, I have a few opinions to share with you.
We'll also be covering another strange comment made by Rush Limbaugh, some thoughts expressed by Kathleen Webb who is also known as "Miss Alabama", some thoughts about Elvis, TV shows, the "passing" of Bill Mouzis and the "Death Subject".
Are you ready?
Rush Limbaugh: I have readers who love this guy, hate this guy, worship at the feet of this guy, refuse to listen to this guy and who idolize this guy. A couple or so days ago, he made some comments about pedophiles and expressed the belief that Democrat folks will be reason that pedophilia will eventually be accepted by everyone like same sex marriage is.
Different strokes...
If you watched college football's championship game this past Monday night, you probably heard what broadcaster Brent Musburger said about a young woman who was at the game. Her name is Kathleen Webb, she is the current Miss Alabama USA and she's dating Alabama's quarterback, A.J. McCarren. ESPN's cameras showed her to us while Musburger made the observations about how beautiful she is and suggested that all young boys should get their dad to play catch with them so that THEY will become good enough to be starting quarterbacks because that's who the pretty ladies like. Or something like that. A number of people suggested that Musburger was out of line, a lot of tweeting was done, I was scratching my head because I didn't think he did ANYTHING wrong and after ESPN executives apologized, Ms. Webb showed up on television with Matt Lauer (NBC). What she said in essence was that Musburger had gotten a bad rap, she was flattered and she felt that NO ONE needed to "apologize". So THERE!!!
My kind of lady.
ELVIS PRESLEY: His birthday was celebrated a few days ago. Yes, he's still dead and I think he would have been 78 if he was still with us. A lot of things are said about Elvis every year his birthday is celebrated and one of things I'm glad to see (and hear) is the ignoring that's done when it comes to the subject of "Colonel" Tom Parker. And all the "good" he did for Elvis. Hmmm....That might have been true at the beginning, but that certainly wasn't the case during the last many years of Elvis' short life. Booking Elvis for small money to act terrible films, booking Elvis for discounted money at Vegas casinos and all the while, filling his own (Parker's) pockets with an astounding amount of money. 50% and higher went to Parker. At most it should have been 20%. And where was Parker when Elvis was doing things that weren't good for his health? Most of the time, it appears that Parker was spending his time gambling instead of taking care of his client.
And speaking of "death"....Bill Mouzis passed away a few days ago. I have written about Mouzis several times. Most of my readers don't live here in the Los Angeles area, so I know that most of you don't know who he was. Bill was a highly decorated WWII Navy guy who was at Pearl Harbor. He eventually got into the radio business and was instrumental in the success of what became the legendary Top-40 station known as 93-KHJ. In later years, Bill Mouzis went to another legendary station here in L.A. that was known as KMPC, "Station of the Stars". I had the pleasure of also working there and it was a joy to work with Mouzis. After the both of us were no longer in the radio business, we had a continuing dialogue about many of the blogs I wrote. Sometimes he agreed with something I had written, sometimes he didn't. I am going to miss Bill Mouzis and his feedback. His funeral will take place this Saturday. R.I.P., Brother Bill.
THE DEATH SUBJECT: long as the last two stories have been about "death", how about a serious conversation about that subject. I don't know about you, but unless you want to kill yourself or if you're feeling a tremendous amount of pain because of a disease that won't go away, I think it's safe to say I don't know ANYONE who wants to DIE! Do YOU! I didn't think so.
Some will say that after we die, we will go to a "better place". A place that "believers" think will be heaven. Unless (of course) you've been a very BAD person, you'll probably go to hell.
But....I've never heard anyone say they wanted to (right now) go to heaven or hell. And that brings me to this question; Wouldn't it be nice (for sure) if we knew what was/is going to happen after we die? I'd love it if someone were able to come back from heaven and tell us what we have to look forward to because he or she KNOWS!!!
Am I the only one who has thoughts/questions like this?
Just askin'.
Oscar nominations were announced today. The show itself will be on television, Sunday, February 24. The Golden Globes show will be on television this coming Sunday. The SAG Awards will be on television Sunday, January 27.
Back to the Oscar nominations...Nine films were nominated for Best Picture. I think one of the following three films deserve to win. "Argo", "Django Unchained" and "Silver Linings Playbook".
Every other category got five nominations.
Best Actor: Of the five who were nominated, I would be happy with Bradley Cooper or Denzel Washington. No nomination for Richard Gere? John Hawkes? Outrageous!
Best Actress: I would be happy with Jessica Chastain or Jennifer Lawrence.
Supporting Actor: I would be happy with Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones or Christoph Waltz. No nomination for John Goodman?
Samuel L. Jackson? Leonardo DiCaprio? Outrageous!
Supporting Actress: I like all five of the nominees but I'll be surprised if Anne Hathaway doesn't win.
Best Director: David O. Russell for "Silver Linings Playbook and Benh Zeitlin for "Beasts of the Southern Wild". No Tarantino, Affleck or Hooper? Outrageous!
I saw all the films, gang. I have given you my thoughts and I certainly will welcome YOUR thoughts.
Quick TV stuff: I'd like to call your attention to a new show. The first episode aired on NBC this past Monday. "Deception". Outstanding group of actors, the L.A. Times gave it a weak review but I think this show is going to be a hit. Maybe a BIG hit.
Annnd I've become addicted to a show on ABC. "Scandal". This is that show's first season. Thanks to "On Demand", I was able to catch up on all the episodes and I am hooked. Same deal with Dick Wolf's new show on NBC. "Chicago Fire".
I'm still lovin' "Nashville" on ABC, "Revenge" on ABC, "The Good Wife" on CBS and "Parenthood" on NBC. Buuuut....Yo "Parenthood" writers and producers! I'm beginning to get tired of the "brats" on your (otherwise) GREAT show!
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me know your email address which means I wouldn't be able to respond to you. I respond to everyone unless you identify yourself as "Anonymous". Those emails are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? I'm going to be very busy next week but I'll try to write a new blog that would be published late Thursday night, January 17 or very early Friday morning, January 18. If not, the next blog would be published January 24 or 25.
Meanwhile, I hope that all of you have a very pleasant weekend and don't forget...AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guns!!! Hillary!!! Boy Scouts!!! Sean Hannity!!! Afghanistan!!! Ryan Seacrest & Jenny McCarthy!!! Annnd...NFL Playoffs!!!
Hi Gang! This will be our first blog since the end of November. Did you have a nice Christmas? Are you feeling happy about the New Year? I hope your answers are "Yes!" and YES!"
A lot has happened since our last blog. That terrible business in Connecticut...All the talk about "Guns"... All the talk about creepy Boy Scout leaders...The "Fiscal Cliff"...And the rest of the stuff that you see in our headlines at the top of this page.
At my end, during the last month or so, has involved me seeing a lot of new films. I'm an Awards Judge and I finished my voting earlier today.
In the next few weeks I will be tied up with other showbiz responsibilities and I believe I will no longer be writing a weekly blog because of these responsibilities. Maybe twice a month. Maybe once a month. But if things slow down, maybe every week again. Translation? I don't know.
What I DO know is that I'm writing a blog NOW! Soooo...Let's get busy!!!
THE CONNECTICUT BUSINESS: We were all shocked when we learned about that guy who killed 20 kids and 6 or 7 adults at a school in Newtown, Connecticut. Normally, that's a very peaceful area. Many years ago, I worked in Hartford and I remember how peaceful it was. The children and adults were killed by bullets. This happened on the 14th of December. Since that day, an average of 18 people have been shot and killed by bullets.
There is now a lot of talk about "gun control". Members, executives and supporters of the NRA are dead set against any new laws regarding guns. There's also a lot of talk from these people about being afraid that our government will somehow start taking our guns away from us.
Hmmmm....I'M an NRA Supporter and have been for many, many years!
Our government taking our guns away from us? Ain't gonna happen. That's paranoia talk. This NRA supporter (me) knows in my heart of hearts that no "big brother" is gonna come knocking down my door and taking my guns away from me. But some kind of new tough law or laws that will (at least) slow down the easy way mentally weak people seem to be able to buy guns? I don't have a problem with that.
THE "FISCAL CLIFF": Do we all UNDERSTAND this? Completely? I don't. Something got passed a couple of days ago, but we're told that some other Fiscal Cliff stuff will be argued about and voted on a couple of months or so from now. In other words, it appears that we have elected a bunch of people who are CLUELESS!!!
And speaking of "clueless"...A lot of people who should have known better said a lot of bad things about Hillary Clinton after it was announced she had fallen and hurt herself. The accusations thrown her way had to do with these small minded idiots saying that she was "faking it" because she didn't want to do any testifying. Oops! Now that doctors have let it be known she had a blood clot between her brain and skull....
And Mrs. Clinton has let it be known she WILL be testifying if her small minded congress people still want her to.
BOY SCOUTS and some VERY BAD LEADERS who have been EXPOSED!!!: Just when some of us thought stuff like this was mostly a "renegade priest" kind of thing...
Sick Boy Scout leaders taking advantage of young boys in a sexual way?!? Now THERE'S a good reason to have gun packin' people available for some Wild West Justice!
Just sayin'.
Afghanistan!!! Why on earth are we still THERE?!? They don't like us, some of them are killing people who were trying to help their own citizens who had polio, we can't change these people because they don't want to be changed....And we're still THERE?!? Our soldiers are killed on a daily basis for WHAT?!? A way for our weapons manufacturers to make more money?
Just askin'...
SEAN HANNITY: After the presidential election ended, he has lost 50% of his viewers and that number is climbing.
RYAN SEACREST and JENNY McCARTHY: Did you see the New Year's show on ABC? This was the first time I had watched it. I thought Ryan did a good job, I loved Taylor Swift's performances, but the person who big time surprised me was Jenny McCarthy. This is a woman who is primarily known for being a person who has posed for Playboy two times. In other words, she's "famous for being famous". I don't know what Ryan Seacrest was thinking when he hired her, but he was right. McCarthy was on camera a lot. And I loved every second of it. She was enthusiastic with a capital "E". Yo, Ryan! Bring her back NEXT year!
Four NFL Playoff Games this weekend. Saturday, Cincinnati will play at Houston and Minnesota will play at Green Bay. On Sunday, Indianapolis will play at Baltimore and Seattle will play at Washington.
Films: I had the pleasure of seeing a lot of new films over the last few months. Here are just a few that I really liked. "Django Unchained"..."Silver Linings Playbook"..."Argo"..."Flight"...and "The Sessions".
And here are a few actor performances I really liked. John Goodman in "Argo" and "Flight"...Denzel Washington in "Flight"...Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro in "Silver Linings Playbook"...Jessica Chastain in "Zero Dark Thirty"...Tommy Lee Jones in "Lincoln"...Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson in "Django Unchained"...John Hawkes and Helen Hunt in "The Sessions" and last, but certainly not least, Anne Hathaway in "Les Miserables".
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I'll respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address. I respond to everyone unless you identify yourself as "Anonymous". Those emails are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Hopefully late Thursday night, January 10 or early Friday morning, January 11.
Meanwhile, I hope that all of you have a very pleasant weekend and that 2013 will be the year we've all been waiting for.
And if you're with me, don't forget...AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!