What the I.R.S. says the 400 wealthiest Americans REALLY pay! Governor Christie and the GOP's "Purity Test"! Brutal Health Care Insurance Rates!
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And now, we begin THIS blog!!!
In our last blog, we told you that some influential Republicans are of the opinion that none of the current presidential candidates can beat President Obama in the next election. And that's why they've been trying to talk New Jersey Governor Chris Christie into being a candidate. So far, Christie is saying what he's been saying all along; "NO!", but these influential Republicans are still trying to talk him into it and they're letting him know that he'll have plenty of money for his campaign if he will please say, "YES!"
Buuuuut....Under the category of "Be careful for what you wish for", Newsweek Magazine's Howard Kurtz points out (in essence) that one can't help but wonder about the GOP's stringent "Purity Test". And in case you're wondering WHY in the last debates all the candidates said nothing when the gay American soldier in Afghanistan was booed for asking a question, that was because the current candidates were showing allegiance TO the "Purity Test". Same deal in the previous debates when the crowd yelled "YES!" to the idea of a sick 30-year old who doesn't have health insurance being left to die.
What does the Republican "Purity Test" have to with Governor Christie if he decides to become a candidate?
Wellll....Among other things, Christie has been quoted as saying "Climate change is real" and "Human activity plays a role in those changes." Annnd....That he was/is "Tired of dealing with the crazies" and that "This Sharia law business is crap!"
Ooops! That's definitely not "Purity Test" talk, Governor Christie. But for the record, I agree with him about "climate change/global warming" and I most definitely agree with him on Sharia law being nothing we need to be concerned about because there's no way in hell that would ever have any "traction" in America. And people who try to make the weak-minded among us BELIEVE Sharia law is something we should be worried about are those "CRAZIES" that Governor Christie is referring to.
Back to that gay combat soldier in Afghanistan being booed and we (the television audience) not hearing one dissenting word from ANY of these gutless and phony "We love the troops" Republican presidential candidates!?! Another example of the GOP's "Purity Test", folks. Sudden thought. I don't know about you, but in these most difficult times for Americans, I'd like to hear some "OUT of the Purity box/test thinking." Wouldn't YOU? And by the way, didn't a German leader in the 30's and early 40's have that "purity thing" going, too?
Just askin'.
Oh...In case you didn't know, the next Republican debates will be Tuesday, October 11 and we're told it will be a One-subject debate(s). The condition our economy is in and what these candidates, if elected, plan to do to FIX our economy.
And ya know what? I kinda think that raising or not raising taxes for the richest of our citizens will be a part of those debates. And if the candidates stay true to their "Stringent Purity Test" they will all say that they wouldn't raise the taxes of the richest among us because they are "job creators, etc." and besides, they pay enough taxes already.
Truth alert, truth alert, truth alert:
According to the 2008 adjusted gross income numbers the IRS says that average tax rates paid by those of us making $500,000 to $1 million was 24%. Those making $1 million and up, 23%. The 400 wealthiest Americans? 18%
My thanks to Time Magazine for getting those numbers.
I don't know about the rest of you, but the last big money job I had wasn't a million dollar job, but it was pretty darn good (money wise) and I know the percentage I paid was more than 18%, more than 23% and more than 24%.
In addition to all the talk about Governor Christie possibly deciding to become a Republican candidate, there is also this whispering that's been going on about Hillary Clinton ending up being the Democrat candidate for the presidency. Anything's possible, folks.
Have you noticed the way the Health Care Insurance bandits have been jacking up rates? I mean, when I first started hearing about this latest "greed move" of theirs, my first thought was, "Who do these people think they ARE?!? OIL Barons?!?" Brutal, brutal, brutal, folks. And what they're doing is cheaper for us than what Obama Care would be?
Just askin'.
Does it get more entertaining than those Wild Card baseball games Wednesday night? Which teams will end up in the World Series? Yankees, Rangers, Tigers or Tampa Bay in the American League? Phillies, Brewers, D-Backs or Cardinals in the National League? On paper, you'd think it would be the Yankees against the Phillies, but they don't play these games on paper. Highly unlikely, but would it really surprise anyone if Tampa Bay ended up playing the Cardinals in the World Series? I think the two most dangerous teams are the Rangers and the D-Backs.
Bye-bye, Andy Rooney. Have you heard about this? He will end his 33-years run on "60 Minutes" this Sunday.
And welcome back, Kiefer Sutherland. Yep, the Jack Bauer guy of "24" fame on Fox, will return to Fox next Spring in a new series called, "Touch". His co-star will be Danny Glover.
Have you noticed how many films that Rashida Jones has been in lately? Am I the only guy who thinks that in addition to being a very good actor she's also HOT?!?
One new film to tell you about. "Moneyball", starring Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Robin Wright and the great Philip Seymour Hoffman. This is not just a baseball film, folks. It IS a very entertaining film-film, if you will. I liked it a lot. And I think Brad Pitt will get some Best Actor Oscar votes, but will he get enough of them to be in the top-five that he would have to be to get nominated? We'll know in a few months.
On the television side of things, Sunday night football is killing a lot of good shows ratings wise. Shows like "Desperate Houswives", "CSI-Miami", "The Good Wife" and the brand new "Pan Am".
I watched "The Good Wife" and loved it. And I think ABC's new show, "Pan Am" has the potential to become a very good show.
Have you seen the new NBC show, "Prime Suspect", Thursday nights. Maria Bello is terrific as a police detective and her boss is played by the very good film actor, Aiden Quinn. Yes, I know that Ms. Bello is known as a film actor as well. I've seen their first two episodes and this show has "big hit" written all over it.
As does ABC's new Wednesday night show, "Revenge", starring the very eye pleasing and fine actress, Emily VanCamp.
Another great, great 3rd episode of "Parenthood" on Tuesday night as well as the 2nd episode of "Glee" that night.
Another good night for the new "Two and a Half Men" without Charlie Sheen and for "Harry's Law" with Kathy Bates and the great Jean Smart playing adversaries. I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Smart and playing a small role in a film she was the star of several years ago. Nice lady, great talent, good looker.
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at scottstjames@sbcglobal.net and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address which means I wouldn't be able to respond to you. All "Anonymous" emails are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforseen circumstances like film auditions, etc., I'm figuring late night next Thursday, October 6 or early morning next Friday, October 7.
Meanwhile, I hope that you and yours have a terrific weekend.
AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!