Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Obamacare!!! Romney Vows To Repeal and Replace Obamacare!!! More Pathetic Nonsense From Sarah Palin!!! Attorney General Eric Holder Is First Sitting Cabinet Member To EVER Be "Held in Contempt" by Congress!!! Gas Prices Are Continuing To Go Down!!! And How Did Arizona's Wack-Job Governor EVER get Elected to ANYTHING?!?
Hi everybody! Has our Supreme Court been in the news enough these last few days? Juvenile murderers have been given a break. Supreme Court's Antonin Scalia let it be known he wasn't happy with the Arizona rulings. Scalia, as most of you know, is a Dick Cheney hunting pal and like Cheney Scalia doesn't have much of an "open mind" about anything and that has caused many constitutional experts to say that Scalia should "step down". Annnd...I'm sure you've all heard about today's 5-4 ruling in favor of what is known as, "Obamacare". And what is particularly amazing is who it was that cast the tiebreaking vote.
And THAT is,
Headline #1: Supreme Court rules in favor of "Obamacare"!
Did YOU think this was going to happen? I honestly didn't know WHAT to think! But I sure as heck didn't think that the swing-vote would be delivered by the very conservative Chief Justice John Roberts and that his vote would swing Obama's way.
Headline #2: Romney vows to repeal and replace "Obamacare".
Here's another example of what's interesting about Mitt Romney. In a 2006 video that has been discovered, Romney made it very clear that a health care mandate like what Obama championed is/was "essential". A day before the Supreme Court's ruling (yesterday), Romney was quoted as saying, No matter what the Court decides, Obama's Health Care Law "has got to go".
Flip and flop, Governor. And how's that elevator in your house that's for your car? Proving that you're just an "everyday relatable guy"? During the Republican debates, you let it me known over and over again, how rich you are. Which is what an "everyday guy" in your world does? Would you like to tell us about the "everyday guys" you crushed while you were firing thousands upon thousands of them. And you enjoyed it, didn't you? I mean, during the debates, you pointed out how much you "enjoy firing people!" And by the way, when are going to tell us about the positive things you intend to do for America if you're elected? We know that you intend to jack up defense spending to levels never imagined which will benefit the RICHEST of us, but WHAT do you intend to do (positive) that will benefit the REST of us? Governor, I know that whatever you might say will be something that we would have no business believing, but what the heck. Give it a shot. And do you plan to release your tax returns any time soon? You know, don't you, that the longer you wait has us saying, "Hmmmm???"
Just sayin'.
Headline #3: More pathetic nonsense from Sarah Palin!
After the Supreme Court's ruling was announced, Sarah Palin, America's number one publicity hound let it be known how awful this decision was and it will lead to "death panels". This is something she hollered a lot about some time ago, but now she's at it again. She was wrong before, she is wrong now, she is Sarah Palin.
Headline #4: Attorney General Eric Holder is the first sitting Cabinet Member to EVER "Be held in Contempt" by Congress!
This has to do with what is referred to as the "Fast and Furious" business which involved a multiple gun operation. What we've been told about this is something that makes me believe there was most definitely some kind of incompetence involved, but I don't pretend to know exactly what it was or is. In other words, stay tuned.
Headline #5: Gas prices are continuing to go DOWN!
A lot can change between now and election day, but if the gas prices continue to go down, that will be good news for Obama and bad news for Romney.
Headline #6: How did Arizona's wack-job Governer EVER get elected to ANYTHING?!?
Look, everyone knew that being our first African American president wasn't going to be easy. Many months ago, I wrote a commentary about what Jackie Robinson had to endure and what President Obama would have to endure. Being yelled at by a South Carolina Congressman in the middle of a State of the Union address, the idiot reporter who recently interrupted Obama while he was giving a speech, etc., etc. Boy and girls, you don't have to like him, but you should still "respect" the "office".
And then there's Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who will always be remembered as a woman without manners when she approached Obama with up-close pointed fingers wagging at his face while Obama was climbing off an airplane. I was reminded of this when she did some whining a couple of days after the Supreme Court ruled against her and her state about some illegal immigrant issues.
Pop quiz: If YOU were the President of the United States and are approached by someone who was wagging a finger in your face, what would you do? Or better yet, what would you LIKE to do in a situation like that?
Jackie didn't do anything. Obama didn't do anything. But do you think that (just to name 5) Reagan, Carter, both Bush presidents and Clinton would have done nothing?
Just askin'.
First of all, I'm proud to say that I am now a new "Board of Directors" member of the Pacific Pioneer Broadcaster folks. I want to thank former PPB President Chuck Southcott for making this happen and I want to thank new PPB President Chuck Street for making me feel welcome.
I worked with Chuck Southcott at legendary L.A. radio station KMPC when I was in the same room with radio Hall of Famer, Robert W. Morgan and I worked with Chuck Street at legendary L.A. radio station KIIS-FM when I was in the same room with radio Hall of Famer Rick Dees.
Chuck and Chuck, it's nice being hooked up with both of you guys again.
"The Newsroom": Have you been reading and or hearing the howling being done by some critics about Aaron Sorkin's new HBO show, "The Newsroom"? My goodness, you would think that Sorkin was guilty of a crime of some kind.
The first episode aired this past Sunday, and I LOVED IT!!!
"Entertainment Tonight" long time Producer-Director Kevin Gershan and I had a conversation about this earlier today. We both agree that the problem with these critics is that none of them have ever spent time in real newsrooms like Kevin and I have. The paranoia associated with new people coming on your turf happens all the time. I'll admit to having been guilty of this my ownself. When all is said and done, "The Newsroom" is still just a television show, but if you didn't see Sunday's episode, don't believe that this show is lacking "reality". I think the casting of Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, Sam Waterston and the supporting players is terrific casting. Jane Fonda will also be making appearances on the show. I think she's the (fictional) owner of the newsroom that's being portrayed. Just like her real-life ex-husband Ted Turner used to be.
Three other TV shows:
Loved last night's "Dallas" on TNT. That show is doing so well, that some producers have approached Joan Collins and Linda Evans about being involved with "Dynasty" making a comeback. Yes, they're both fired up and ready to go.
Sunday night's episode of "True Blood" was very good and I'm glad. I've been a fan of that show from day one, but to me, the first couple of episodes this season weren't that good. Sunday night, they got their groove back.
Are you aware of the all the "drama" being associated with NBC's "Today Show". Long time show participant Ann Curry is no longer with the show, the woman that Matt Lauer wanted as a replacement was supposedly vetoed by Matt's wife because of something about Matt's wandering eyes and hands so another woman got the job.
The reason for all this drama? Sinking ratings.
Two films:
I didn't see any new films this past week, but I'd like to call your attention to two old films I saw on the cable channel, TCM.
"Cash McCall", a 1960 film that starred Natalie Wood and James Garner. This was Garner's first lead role in a film. And the KIND of role he had is a role that could easily remind you of Mitt Romney. People getting fired, slight of hand tactics, etc., etc. I liked it and if you have access to "On Demand", I think this film is worth your time.
"Splendor in the Grass", a 1961 film that starred Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty. This was Beatty's first lead role in a film. This is a film that was nominated for a number of categories and it's easy to see why. While "Cash McCall" was more of "lighter" kind of film, "Splendor in the Grass" is serious business.
Serious, but damn good. If you've never seen this film, "On Demand", if you have access to that, will be worth your time.
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address which means I won't be able to respond to you. As all of our readers who have written to me know, I respond to everyone. Unless....You refer to yourself as "Anonymous". Those emails are ignored.
And by the way...As I'm sure you've noticed, I have a lot of opinions. If you disagree with any of them, don't be bashful. I love the dialogue. And who knows? You might get me to change my mind about something.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforseen circumstances, late Thursday night, July 5 or very early Friday morning, July 6.
I know. Because July 4 is next Wednesday, some of you might have the rest of the week off. If you like small explosions and sparkly things, be careful with those items. I'll never forget one of my most frightening experiences as a child when a firecracker blew up in my hand. Because of the pain, I thought at the time I might have lost a finger. Turns out that wasn't even close to happening, but it was a lesson I never forgot. Am I the only one who thinks that "fear" can be and more often than not, IS the greatest motivator?
By the way, when you're having fun eating and exploding stuff, please take a second to remember what "Independence Day" represents.
And if you're with me on this, please also remember, AMERICA FIRST!!!!
As of June 21, no word (yet) on "Obama Care"! Michele Bachmann Wants To Be Romney's Running Mate? Gas Prices and What They Mean!! Something For Illegal Immigrants That I Would Support!!! Mitt Romney and Britney Spears Have Something in Common!! And the cartoon character known as Maxine has a SOLUTION for ALL OF US!!!
Hi everybody and to all of our new subscribers, WELCOME!!!
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Okay...Let's get busy!
Headline #1: No word (yet) from the Supreme Court about the Affordable Care Act, which is otherwise known as, "Obama Care".
The time of day I'm writing this is now (almost) 5:30, Thursday afternoon, June 21. We are led to believe that a ruling from the Supreme Court could have been today, but we are assured that a decision will have been reached by no later than sometime next week. Shoot, it COULD happen while I'm writing right now.
Headline #2: Michele Bachmann wants to be Romney's running mate?!?
When I was made aware of this, I had an immediate reaction; Do any of you remember that Steve Lawrence sang some songs that became "hits" a lot of years ago? I do. In fact, I used to play some of those hits on radio stations I worked at. One of those "hits" was a song that was titled, "Go Away Little Girl" and that was the first thing that came to my mind.
Headline #3: Gas Prices and what they mean!
As you've no doubt noticed, gas prices have (finally) been going down the last couple of weeks. Most folks seem to think that when gas prices go UP that's a good sign for Romney. When gas prices go DOWN that's a good sign for Obama.
Yes, I know. A lot can happen regarding gas prices going up or down between now and election day. Same deal with polls. Did you read about that poll that came out a couple of days ago showing Obama with a 13-points lead? We're told that the reason(s) given had to do with Romney's lack of believability. If that was/is the real reason, I'm not surprised. But again...A lot can happen between now and election day.
Headline #4: Something for illegal immigrants that I would SUPPORT!
Those of you who are long time readers of this blog know how I feel about illegal immigrants. For me, it's very simple. They're breaking the law and it drives me crazy when these lawbreakers have been pretty much left alone and on top of that, all the free stuff they get from us. I'm also very much against the "Law of the Land" OUR land which states (in essence) that automatic citizenship is granted to a child born here to parents who were/are here illegally. I think that's outrageous, but it is the "Law of the Land". By the way, most of you probably don't know that more illegals have been deported by the Obama administration than any other administration. By far! But when President Obama came out the other day with an announcement about giving SOME young illegal immigrants a "break", the howling you heard led you to believe that something very terrible had just happened. Said howling coming from mostly Republican politicians who tend to look the other way on behalf of rich Republican donors who just happen to represent businessmen who make a lot of money off the backs of illegal immigrants.
I know. "The Devil's in the Details" and I apologize to you people who have bought (like it was going on sale) the verbal nonsense you hear or read because after all, it's a "famous" person or persons who are saying these things.
Back to Obama's announcement about SOME young illegals. I'm not going to pretend to you that I understand all that's involved here, but I will tell you one thing that I would most definitely support; Any illegal immigrant who serves at least three years in our military and is given an Honorable Discharge is a person that should be moved to the front of the line and made a citizen of the United States of America. Think about it. Three years of serving our country during these very dangerous times. The great patriot, Rush Limbaugh got what? Four deferments? Six? And recently he was bragging about playing the very rough sport, Flag Football when he was draft eligible. How many deferments did Mitt Romney have? Dick Cheney? I could go on and on and on about war supporters who "talked the talk" but were too scared to "walk the walk".
Again...Illegal immigrants who serve our country in the military for at least three years and walk out with an Honorable Discharge should be given big time priority regarding citizenship. And that's the ONLY thing I've ever supported on behalf of illegal immigrants.
Headline #5: Mitt Romney and Britney Spears have something in common?
Did you hear about this? They both have spent $55,000 for a "Vanity Purchase". Britney has made a lot of money being a singer and Romney has made a lot of money by firing people. Hey, when you're good at something, you're entitled to "treat yourself", right? These particular purchases have to do with elevators in their homes for their cars.
Headline #6: The cartoon character known as "Maxine" has a possible SOLUTION for ALL OF US!!!
What you're about to read is something that was sent to me by a bona fide patriot. He's a guy I went to high school with and the last time I saw him was when he returned from Vietnam and I had the privilege of getting him out of a little "jam". He was a Green Beret at a time when most folks didn't know what they were. He was also involved with some "heavy and big time secret" military operations. Operations that are/were SO secret, he's having trouble getting the V.A. medical benefits he needs. Yes, I was in the military as well, but as I've often stated, I was never any kind of "hero" and an argument can be made that the "Good Conduct" medals I received were forgeries. My friend was the "real deal". Because of his ongoing disputes with the V.A. folks, I'll simply refer to him as "Johnny G" and I'm proud to call him a friend.
Okay...Here comes the word for word story told by the cartoon character, "Maxine" that was sent to me by "Johnny G".
"I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.
But...Then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was everywhere. On the patio tile, the chairs, the table....EVERYWHERE!!!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And other birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in 3 days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like it used to be. Quiet, serene...And no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now...Let's see...Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.
Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; Small apartments are housing 5 families; You have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; Your child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.
Corn flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press 1' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than 'Old Glory' are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.
Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take DOWN the bird feeder!
If you agree, pass this on. If not, just continue cleaning up the poop!"
Thank you Maxine and thank you Johnny G for sending this to me.
Are you a fan of the NBC show, "Parenthood"? I am. When they begin their 4th season in the next few months, they'll have a new cast member. Ray Romano will be playing the role of another guy who will be trying to have a romantic relationship with Lauren Graham. "Everybody Loves Raymond"? Well on this show, "Everybody (seems to) Loves Lauren"!
Aaron Sorkin's new show, "The Newsroom" begins this Sunday night on HBO. I'll definitely be watching it.
"True Blood" has been a big hit for several seasons on HBO, but in the first two episodes of THIS season, my reaction so far has been, "Huh?" Hopefully, it'll get better.
Episode #3 of the new "Dallas" show on TNT aired last night and I liked it a lot. Larry Hagman is now 80 years old, but no one on that show is more compelling to watch than Hagman's "J.R. Ewing". And what he brings to the table is an energy that I think has rubbed off on all the other cast members.
I saw one new film this past week. "Rock of Ages".
This film features an all-star cast performing in a musical.
And make no mistake about this, gang. This is most definitely a musical.
I LOVED it!!!
It took me a few minutes to "warm up" to the characters played by Julianne Hough (Ryan Seacrest's lady in real life) and Diego Boneta, but once they got going, they were fun to watch and listen to.
Paul Giamatti was perfectly cast as an "oily" music manager/agent.
I go back and forth on what Russell Brand brings to the table, but as a partner of some kind to/with Alec Baldwin, they worked well together. And like everyone else in the cast, they were required to do some singing and (to me) they were surprisingly good.
Mary J. Blige? I will never get enough of her as a singer.
Catherine Zeta-Jones? Otherwise known as Michael Douglas' wife in real life? Her role is a very interesting role that turns into a complete "about face" near the end of the film. Well done, Catherine!
Malin Akerman plays the role of a "Rolling Stone" reporter who ends up having sex with "Stacee Jaxx" the person she's supposed to be interviewing. The back and forth and yes, the "up and down" involving those two was believable to me because of how "smooth" this "Stacee Jaxx" character is.
Tom Cruise plays the role of "Stacee Jaxx" and if you've read the reviews, you probably know that most reviewers thought that Cruise was terrific in this role. I agree with those other reviewers/critics. Most folks (including me) wouldn't think that Tom Cruise would be mediocre casting for a role like this that requires as much singing as it does. But Tom Cruise took some serious singing lessons for a few months and those lessons show up positively in this film. And now people are saying, "Is there anything Tom Cruise CAN'T do?!?"
Again...I loved "Rock of Ages" and I plan to see it again!
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I'll respond to you A.S.A.P. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address which means I wouldn't be able to respond to you. As you long time readers know, I respond to everyone except for people who send "Anonymous" emails. Those are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforseen circumstances, late next Thursday night, June 28 or very early Friday morning, June 29.
Meanwhile, I hope that all of you have pleasant plans for the upcoming weekend and here's hoping that things (economically) get better for all of us soon.
And if you agree, don't forget; AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Worst presidential approval ratings: Carter? Nope! Obama? Nope! Polls say (see below)!! Gallup Poll says 68% of Americans blame...?!? John Edwards allowed to "skate"!!! Romney supposedly knows he'll lose his three "home states"!!! An "I respectfully disagree" email from ME to the "American Spectator" people!!!
Hi everybody and let's begin with a shout-out to all the fathers we know. Father's Day is this Sunday and I hope you have something special planned for "Dear ol' Dad". Being a dad is hard work and I can't help but be reminded of a line that was once famously yelled by baseball Hall of Famer, Tommy Lasorda who said, "THIS job ain't that bleepin' EASY!!!" Tommy wasn't talking about being a dad when he said that, but he sure as heck could have been.
Did you get any mail today? Of course not. It's "Flag Day" and I can't help but wonder if we really need all these (as my mother likes to say) "fake holidays". A real and deserving holiday will be this Sunday so with that in mind, I'll try to keep this blog on the "short side".
And here come the headlines...
Headline #1: Worst presidential approval ratings! Jimmy Carter? Nope! Barack Obama? Nope!
All the polls agree that George W. Bush is the only living president with an approval rating in the 40's. 44%, which is something that doesn't surprise me at all.
Headline #2: Gallup Poll says 68% of Americans blame...?
George W. Bush for most of our economic problems. Yes, a sizable number of Americans blame Obama for some of what we're enduring, but George W. Bush is the guy most Americans think caused this mess and that's something that also doesn't surprise me. You see, I have more faith in the intelligence of most Americans than the phony charlatans who love to play the "Us against Them" FEAR GAME!!! Am I willing to name names? As Sarah Palin would say, "You betcha!" There are more than two, but here's a BIG TWO; Rush and Drudge. Two guys who have learned they can make a lot of money by keeping you scared.
But let me add something here. I'm not convinced that President Obama deserves a second term, but I AM convinced that Mitt Romney doesn't deserve a FIRST term.
President Obama has mentioned many times that the problems we have are problems that aren't his (Obama's) fault.
Mr. President, most of us who know how to think, agree with you. But those of us who know how to think are now thinking about something else; Mr. President, it's time to QUIT WHINING!!! What we want to hear from you are things that will give us HOPE! We need you to convince us that you have a plan or plans that will get us out of this mess. A plan or plans that are easy to understand and a plan or plans that will convince us that you DESERVE a second term! Mr. President, if you are capable of doing this, GET TO WORK instead of constantly going to fancy homes and collecting money like a homeless beggar on the street!
If you AREN'T capable of doing this, you do not deserve a second chance and may God have mercy on all of us if Mitt Romney and his merry band of unelected money people take over the White House. A group of money people who will take the position, "You didn't think we gave you all this money because we LIKE you!!! DID you?!?
Just sayin'...
Headline #3: John Edwards allowed to skate!
When you see what John Edwards got away with, you can't help but think if you've got enough money...???
Not always, but...
Just reflectin'....
Headline #4: Romney supposedly knows he'll lose his three home states!
And those three home states are....California, Massachusetts and Michigan.
Why would he think negative thoughts about his chances in three states he has homes in? Because with the exception of the health care plan he got passed in Massachusetts, a plan that's very similar to Obama's plan that Romney says he would get rid of, Mitt Romney was a 1-term governor for a very good reason. Michigan wants no part of him because he was against giving money to help automobile companies survive. And California is pretty much regarded as a Democrat state and there's nothing about Romney that would figure to change enough minds.
Buuuut....If he really is "throwing in the towel" without a fight, what does that say about Romney as a possible leader of the free world? Not to mention what it says about him as the possible leader of America.
Just sayin'...
Headline #5: An "I respectfully disagree email from ME to the "American Spectator" people!
I'm not sure who the "American Spectator" people are, but I tried to send them an email today after I received an email from them about them taking issue with Jeb Bush and his views about the current Republican leadership. It is Jeb Bush's view that Ronald Reagan and Jeb's dad wouldn't be "accepted" by the current "out there" Republican ways of doing things these days. Specifically, Reagan and Bush Senior's ability to listen and their willingness to compromise if it made sense for most of us as opposed to just some of us.
In essence, the "American Spectator" people are saying that Jeb Bush is wrong and that Reagan did this, Poppy Bush did that, etc., etc. and these things collectively make the point that Reagan would certainly be welcome with this current crowd and Poppy Bush was just wrong.
I sent a response email to the "American Spectator" people that was returned to me, unanswered.
Fair enough. What I'm about to write here is word for word what I tried to send to the "American Spectator" people.
Hi American Spectator people,
Because of a 1980 7-hour tribute on Gene Autry that I wrote, narrated and produced that the few months shy of becoming our new President of the U.S., Ronald Reagan participated in, I had the opportunity to get to know him a little.
I respectfully agree more with Jeb Bush than I do with you folks.
Grover Norquist and his too scared to think for themselves disciples?!? If this were a movie, I'd be laughing. But because it's for real, I say to one and all, "Who the hell elected Norquist to ANYTHING?!? And where does his power base come from?
The answer to the first question is, "No one." And the answer to the second question is, to me, scary.
Ronald Reagan gave us eight good years that were real. What I'm hearing too much of (from people like you) is "Revisionist History" that seems to revolve around "Us versus Them!". As Ronald Reagan once said, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party, they left me!"
And THIS (me) lifetime Republican says, "I didn't leave the Republican Party, they (you?) left ME!!!"
Romney is the BEST you can do? I'm all for change, but our country needs someone better than Mitt Romney. MUCH better!!!
Most sincerely,
Scott St. James
Who knows? Maybe I'll get a response from them tomorrow.
The first thing I'd like to tell you about is a screening I went to last night. The film I saw was a "Sundance" winner and this is a film that figures to not be in many theaters. "Beasts of the Southern Wild" is a film that has no "names" in it but there are two names that you won't be able to forget if you get a chance to see this film. Quvenzhane Wallis and Dwight Henry. Ms. Wallis (we're told) was 6-years old when she starred in this film. Mr. Henry plays her dad. While watching Ms. Wallis, I couldn't help but think of a young Jodie Foster. The relationship between Ms. Wallis and Mr. Henry is riveting. I think that Ms. Wallis is going to be remembered as a "child prodigy" if she does more films. When I left the theater last night, I was exhausted.
A film I plan to see tomorrow (Friday) is "Rock of Ages", a film that features Tom Cruise in a role you wouldn't figure him to play but the critics are saying that he is terrific as a "rock star".
A film that was originally scheduled for the "big screen" has now been picked up by HBO. And when I tell you who's going to be in it, you will know that HBO will be paying big bucks for this. The film is titled, "Behind the Candelabra" and it's a Liberace Biopic. Oscar winner Michael Douglas will play Liberace, Matt Damon will play Scott Thorson (Liberace's lover), Debbie Reynolds will play Liberace's mother and other prominent roles will be played by Rob Lowe, Scott Bakula and Dan Aykroyd. Steven Soderbergh will direct the film.
After I got home from last night's screening, I watched a new show that got a lot of publicity before the first two episodes aired last night.
It used to be on CBS, but after a very long vacation, "Dallas" has returned and it is now being shown on TNT. I had the pleasure of being asked to do a couple of small roles on "Dallas" back when it was the biggest show on television so I was curious to see if a "Dallas" revival would end up being a good idea or a mistake.
The original Bobby, Sue Ellen and J.R. are part of the new "Dallas", but everyone else is new and younger. The oldest actor is Larry Hagman ("J.R.") and while I thought the first hour was interesting, it was the second hour that really grabbed me. In the second hour, "J.R." got going and all of a sudden I was chuckling and saying to myself, Yes, "Dallas" CAN come home again!!! And yes, this is STILL Larry Hagman's (J.R.'s) show!!!
I flat out LOVED it and I now know what I'm going to be doing on Wednesday nights.
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know what your email address is which means I won't be able to respond to you. I respond to all emails except "Anonymous" emails. Those are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforseen circumstances, late next Thursday night, June 21 or very early Friday morning, June 22.
Don't forget the dad in your life on Sunday.
And (also) don't forget...AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Bill Clinton On A "Sabotage Obama" Mission?!? Jeb Bush Says Today's G.O.P. Is Short-Sighted!!! "On The Books" Federal Spending Growth Under Obama Is A Lot Less Than The Critics Are Telling You!!! Paul Ryan Might Be The Most Overrated "Economy Expert" EVER!!! By What Standard Is Mitt Romney A Successful Job Creator?!? And Will "I'll Have Another" WIN another???
Hi everybody and before we get started on subjects like the ones you see in the headlines above, here's a big shout-out to our new subscribers; HEL-LO NEW SUBSCRIBERS!!! Thanks very much for joining us, no "bells and whistles" here, this is what we like to refer to as a "Thinker's Blog" and as those of you have been with us for a while know, we have spirited dialogue with some of you after every blog has been posted. Most of the time our conversations are email conversations, but sometimes our conversations are phone conversations, conversations that can lead to me changing my mind about something because yes, you'll read a lot of opinions here. But you'll also read a lot that is factual as opposed to charlatans who try to convince you they're more than baloney merchants.
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O-KAY!!! Let's get BUSY!!!
Headline #1: Is Bill Clinton on a "Sabotage Obama" mission?
Ah, the original "Hound Dog Man" is in the news again.
Bill Clinton. Big time former President of the United States. Advertised as a Democrat. I say "advertised" because I'll never forget what a famous actor who was a friend of then President Clinton said. Off the record, he referred to Clinton as the best REPUBLICAN President we've ever had.
This of course is something that Rush Limbaugh or one of his clones would be beside themselves over if it turned out there was any possible truth to what the famous actor said.
And that reminds me of when (many years ago) I was offered the opportunity by some serious "money people" to be a candidate for the U.S. Senate. I gave it very serious thought, spoke with a lot of other politicians and I eventually declined. But there was one thing about that process that I will never forget. When I was having one of many serious conversations with the "money people", the subject of my "party" affiliation was brought up. I mentioned that I was a Republican. Understand now, these were people who really wanted me to be a candidate. Their immediate response to what I had just said was, "We don't CARE what you ARE, but what you're going to RUN as is a DEMOCRAT! Once you get elected, do what you need to do. But you'll RUN as a Democrat!"
I'm convinced that kind of thing happens more often than you would think. Clinton, a Republican posing as a Democrat? Anything's possible, folks. NAFTA was something that was championed by Clinton and it was something that Republicans liked. Same deal with radio and television consolidation, something that Clinton signed off on. I can't speak for the television community, but I can speak for the radio community when I tell you that Clinton's signing of that bill ruined the lives of a thousands on top of thousands of radio people while fat cat "Bain" operators (Hi Mitt!) laughed all the way to the bank.
What does this have to do with Clinton saying the things he's been saying lately? Things that Obama doesn't agree with? Clinton has immediately apologized each time and then he says something else he has to apologize for.
Besides the "Trojan Horse" possible theory I'm kicking around here, how about one other possibility. His WIFE!
President Clinton, are you still pissed off about your wife losing to Obama? Is that what the things you've been saying lately is all about?
Just askin'.
Headline #2: Jeb Bush says today's G.O.P. is short-sighted!
Jeb Bush said that on CBS "This Morning". When I heard him say that, a couple of thoughts came to mind; (1) You're just now figuring that out, Jeb? (2) I remember when Ronald Reagan said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party, THEY left ME!" In reverse, I say, I didn't leave the Republican party. They left me. I now have no party affiliation.
Headline #3: "On the books" federal spending growth under Obama is a lot less than the critics are telling you!
For example: The wars under the Bush administration WEREN'T "on the books". In fact, federal spending growth that was put "on the books" is slower under Obama than any other president since Dwight Eisenhower.
Just sayin'.
Headline #4: Paul Ryan might be the most overrated "Economy Expert" EVER!!!
Nothing else need be said.
Headline #5: By what standard is Mitt Romney a successful job creator?
The only time he ever held public office which was the one term he spent as Governor of Massachusetts, the state went from 37th in job creation to 47th in job creation. That's his scorecard, folks. His only scorecard.
Just sayin'.
ENTERTAINMENT STUFF, which leads us to,
Headline #6: Will "I'll Have Another" WIN another?!?
That horse is a 4-5 favorite and if "I'll Have Another" wins this Saturday's Belmont Stakes, the horse will be only the 12th horse to win horse racing's Triple Crown.
The rest of what will be a short Entertainment Stuff section has to do with a television season finale, a 2011 film that's now on cable and a late starting actress who had a wonderful career before losing a gallant fight against lung cancer.
I saw every episode of "Magic City" on STARZ. They showed their season finale last Friday night. It was a very powerful cliff-hanger kind of episode and I can hardly wait for the new season to begin which will be sometime in 2013. If you didn't see any of the episodes, you missed out on what I thought was very good television. It's about Miami in the late 50's and early 60's. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the lead actor in this production. He plays the role of a hotel owner named Ike who has a couple of people breathing down his neck in a bad way. One is a crooked law enforcement guy and the other is a vicious mob guy who goes by the name of "The Butcher" and Danny Huston is perfect for this role. There are also very fine performances turned in by Ike's wife, his children, several beautiful women who have problems and a very nice supporting turn by Kelly Lynch. I will be very surprised if Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Danny Huston don't get Emmy nominations. I think that Olga Kurylenko (Ike's wife) and Elena Satine (a woman who The Butcher wants dead) are deserving of Emmy consideration as well.
Last night, I saw a film on STARZ that was released last year. "Straw Dogs", directed by Rod Lurie and starred James Marsden, the very beautiful and sexy Kate Bosworth, Alexander Skarsgard (from "True Blood), James Woods, Walter Goggins (from "Justified") and the always fun to look at, Willa Holland. This is a violent film, folks. Especially the ending. I thought that Rod Lurie did a great job directing and writing and overall I thought he ended up with a very watchable film. This is a film I plan to watch again.
Our last story is a sad story because of the way things ended, but I think that overall, this is a good story about an actress named Kathryn Joosten.
She went from being a nurse many miles away from Hollywood, but at the age of 45 she came here and started taking acting lessons. I met Kathryn at an acting class and we ended up doing some scenes together over a period of time. The first time people really took notice of Kathryn was when she played the role of Mrs. Landingham who was Martin Sheen's secretary on "The West Wing". Near the end of "The West Wing's" run, Mrs. Landingham was killed. It was one of many times she was killed on television. She was hired by a lot of producers and directors to do different things on other shows after "The West Wing" ended and a few years ago she landed a job on another big show, "Desperate Housewives". She played the role of nosy neighbor, Karen McKlusky on Wisteria Lane and she was great at it. Two Emmy awards great. Because of smoking, Kathryn developed a health problem. She beat cancer a time or two, but ironically she (fake) died because of lung cancer on the final episode of "Desperate Housewives". A few days after that last episode aired, Kathryn really did die (June 2nd) because of complications associated with lung cancer. She was 72.
Kathryn, you done good, girl! I mean REALLY good! R.I.P, Kathryn Joosten and if there is an afterlife, I look forward to doing some more scenes with you.
THOUGHTS AND OR COMMENTS? Please write to me at and I will respond to you ASAP. Please don't write to the blog because there's no way for me to know your email address so I won't be able to respond to you. As most of you know, I respond to all emails except "Anonymous" emails. Those are ignored.
THE NEXT BLOG? Barring unforseen circumstances, late next Thursday night, June 14 or very early Friday morning, June 15.
I hope all of you have a very nice weekend and don't forget...
AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!